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Historical and Geographical Studies in Ukraine

Time of foundation



Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Language of edition

Ukrainian, English, 




Registration in State Tax Administration of Ukraine


Specialty in list of the State Attestation Commission of Ukraine


Editorial policy

  • objectivity and impartiality;
  • high requirements to quality of scientific research;
  • article review policy;
  • strict observance of copyright

Stages for manuscript to pass

After the article is received for editing within 2–3 days, the evaluation for compliance of the submitted manuscript with the formal requirements of the edition (volume of text, presence of primary sources, etc.) is performed. If these procedures are successful, the article is submitted for external anonymous peer review. The decision of the reviewers is approved by the editorial board for each issue. If the manuscript is approved by experts, it is submitted for editing.

Open Access Policy

Scientific collection “Historical and Geographical Studies in Ukraine” promotes the global knowledge sharing and provides with direct open access to its content.