Historical and Geographical Studies in Ukraine is an annual collection of research papers, launched by the Institute of the History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 1991. It is published in Ukrainian, English, and Polish. Sixteen volumes of this yearbook have been already published.

The collection is dedicated to theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of historical space, problems and trends in historical geography and the history of cartography in Ukraine and worldwide, the role of regional and local factors in the life of Ukrainian society at various historical stages, the formation of historical and geographical regions, landscape and territorial structure of Ukraine.

The topics of articles and reviews are quite broad and cover important issues of historical geography, historical source studies, geo-informational systems in historical research, history of cartography, historical mapping, biographical studies, area studies, and urban studies. The priority is given to the historical and geographical specificity of Ukraine in the spatial dimension, modern strategies for the study of geopolitical and geocultural aspects of regional and local history, geohistorical analysis of ethnonational problems, historical regional self-identification and worldview, the influence of geocultural factors on the formation of identity and culture of memory.

The collection of research papers “Historical and Geographical Studies in Ukraine” is organized and prepared for publication by the Department of Historical Regionalism and the Department of Special Branches of Historical Science and Electronic Information Resources of the Institute of the History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It is a unique interdisciplinary yearbook of theoretical, methodological, regional, historical, and cartographic research in Ukraine. It publishes interdisciplinary research in history and geography in the context of globalism and regionalism. Historical geography has a distinctive resource for integrating humanities and social sciences together, which we aim to implement in our yearbook.

Structurally, the collection consists of the chapters “Historical geography”, “Historical cartography”, “History of cartography”, “Historiography”, “Discussion”, and “Reviews”, which contain historical sources, reviews, materials of round tables and public discussions. All relevant information about the authors and their research agendas is included.

The collection is aimed at scholars working in the field of historical geography and cartography, as well as at a wide range of researchers interested in Ukrainian history, geography, and culture.